Deciding How To Tackle A Mess

Deciding How To Tackle A Mess

  • 5 Factors That Affect The Complexity Of Water Damage Restoration

    If your property has suffered water damage, you likely want to know the length of time the water damage restoration will take. Yet, the complexity and period of water damage restoration vary based on different factors. Your water damage restoration company usually assesses your home's condition before the restoration. The following factors determine the time frame and complexity of the process. 1. The Presence of Stagnant Water     The complexity of water damage restoration increases if your home still has stagnant water.

  • 2 Ways To Test For Mold In Your House

    If you get water damage, you are also going to be at risk of getting mold damage. Mold likes damp, dark, and warmth. That's why you can find mold growing in places like your bathroom walls, behind walls, and under floors. While you might see some of the mold growing at your house, you might not see any of it, depending on where it is growing. If you think that you have mold, you may want to have your house tested for mold.

  • Common Myths About Restoring Homes After Storm Damage

    In some areas of the country, homes are regularly damaged by storms, which means homeowners are really familiar with the restoration process. In other areas, storm damage is less common, which means knowledge about storm damage is also harder to come by. Often, it is in these areas that myths about storm damage restoration are perpetuated. Here are some of those myths. #1: Everything soft has to be thrown out.

  • The Importance Of Waterproofing Your Home's Crawlspace And Basement

    Water can cause some of the most extensive and costly damages in your home. It can leave behind messes that not only are unpleasant and time-consuming to clean but also detrimental to your home's value.  Instead of leaving your home vulnerable to plumbing leaks, floods, and other water disasters, you can take measures now to protect it. You can start by waterproofing vulnerable areas like your basement or crawlspace. Protecting against Mold and Mildew

  • Basement Waterproofing: Situations That Suggest You Need Waterproofing Services

    The basement is one of the most overlooked areas in many homes, so problems often occur and go unnoticed for a long time. One common issue property owners often notice too late is basement moisture. When allowed to linger for long, basement moisture promotes property damage, compromises the foundation's integrity, attracts pests, and encourages mold growth. The only way to prevent or deal with these problems is to eliminate basement moisture through professional waterproofing.

  • About Me

    Deciding How To Tackle A Mess

    Although I was out of town during a hurricane storm, my friends told me that my house didn't look good good. Upon my return, I found a flooded basement and an upstairs that was absolutely torn apart. I didn't know what to do, so I turned to damage contractors to put things back together. I can't tell you how happy I am that I made that choice. They carefully evaluated my home and quickly resolved the issues that I had. It was amazing to see the difference they were able to make in a short period of time. This blog will explain why damage contractors are the right people to call.
